centr 1.0 - v1 >first public release //////////////////// centr 1.1 - v2 >fixed issue where layouts would not scale well with other devices >bug fix request emails now include phone details: manufacturer, model, android release, sdk, SOC manufacturer, SOC model //////////////////// centr 1.1.1 - v3 >fixed issue where in conversion activities, inputs with decimals would replace "." with "0.", causing, for example, the number "5.5" to turn into "50.5" //////////////////// centr 1.1.2 - v4 >fixed issue where in conversion activities, inputs with decimals would replace "." with "0.", causing, for example, the numer "5.5" to turn into "50.5" (again) >fixed issue where password generator checkboxes wouldn't update when certain combinations were used >fixed issue where password generator's "# of characters" buttons wouldn't vibrate when pressed if all checkboxes were unchecked //////////////////// centr 1.1.3 - v5 >fixed issue where negative values could not be entered in temperature conversions //////////////////// centr 1.2 - v6 >added time remaining calculator >added function in color picker where you could use three sliders (for r, g, b) to choose a color //////////////////// centr 1.2.1 - v7 >added option to disable haptic feedback >changed "about text" >changed order of "support the developer" applets: "share app" is now before donations //////////////////// centr 1.3 - v8 >added option to scan a QR code from gallery >added a switch unit button in all conversion activities >haptic feedback settings now update instantly //////////////////// centr 1.4 - v9 >fixed issue where screen would rotate in color picker >added time conversion applet >added tax calculator applet >added time remaining calculator applet >translated app to Spanish (es-mx) >changed design of plus and minus buttons, to fit the theme better >revised the UI >centr will check for a newer version at startup, and notify the user if there is one //////////////////// centr 2.0 - v10 >changed the "disable haptic feedback" option (in "off" state, haptic feedback would be enabled; in "on" state, haptic feedback would be disabled) to "enable haptic feedback" (in "on" state, haptic feedback is enabled, in "off" state, it's disabled) >redesigned icons to be more cohesive >added "credits and thanks" section >changed the "share app" link, as previous link would lead to a 404 >added ruler applet >tip calculator, tax calculator, and password generator applets' plus/minus buttons will grey out if you reach the minimum or maximum amount of tip (no tip), people (1 person), tax (no tax), and characters (5-128 characters) >optimization of password generator algorithm >optimization of all conversion applets (10x improvement in performance for conversions!) >added area conversion applet >added a glassmorphic background by default, as well as a "high contrast" mode in settings to disable it >fixed bug where you would not be able to see all units in the conversions applets, and you would not be able to scroll >added feature where when clicking out of the "input" box and into a unit selection dropdown in a conversion applet, the keyboard will hide automatically >top corners are rounded on all activities >added new units to volume conversion >added speed conversion applet >added data conversion applet >88% reduction in file size! //////////////////// centr 2.0.1 - v11 >fixed bug where in tip calculator and tax calculator applets, pressing the "more" button wouldn't un-grey out the "less" button if it had been previously greyed out //////////////////// centr 2.0.2 - v12 >fixed bug where in the temperature conversion applet, entering only "-" or "-.", for negative numbers, would crash the app >added optional telemetry (country, city, and device info) and mandatory telemetry (just the existence of the device) centr 3.0 - v13 >added themes >dropdown menus in conversion applets have a new design, better suited for screenreaders >added content description to all images for accessibility >tip and tax percentage now remember your preferences >the die roll and coin flip applets now have visual feedback instead of just haptic >added the passphrase generator applet >complete redesign of the QR code scanner applet >QR code scanner applet now supports the front-facing camera; if the flash is turned on with the front-facing camera, the screen will have a white background >design update for the time remaining calculator applet >now you can set your preference for decimal precision in all conversion applets >permission requests are now handled better >the strength of haptic feedback depends on the action, such as tapping vs pressing-and-holding >removed the telemetry :) >fixed bug where centr would crash if there was no internet connection (to search for a new version) >added energy conversion applet >added pressure conversion applet //////////////////// centr Beta 3.1 - v14 >added new "fun" theme category, which include backgrounds: Christmas, Halloween, love, nature, winter, and party >added Material You theme, where the color of centr is chosen by your wallpaper >fixed the calculation on the Time Remaining applet >added changelog applet >removed the "more" button in the "new version available" dialog >new version dialog now shows the latest changes >the "download" button in the new version dialog now leads to the page where you can download the Beta instead of the homepage. //////////////////// centr Beta 3.2 - v15 (still in development!) >added a currency conversion applet (that works offline!) >added a search bar in the home screen >moved to Material 3 >bug fixes